Budding artist or little terror?
During dinner today, I displayed a new (self-taught, I must proudly add) skill. Much to Daddy's dismay. Check out the photos. Once I get a spoonful of purple coloured stuff in my mouth (it's blueberry vanilla, just in case any of you think Daddy's feeding me paint), I'd place my mouth on the table to make pretty purple patterns. Then use my hands to wipe it all over. Then just repeat until the whole canvas (or table) is covered. Try it for yourself!
Another skill I'm trying to perfect is knocking the bowl off Daddy's hands as that adds a nice splash of colour to the table, floor, wall. I've done so with occasional success, but am definitely getting better. (Knocked off some mango orange stuff onto myself and the pushchair when I didn't want anymore when we were walking around Chorlton today.)