Sunday, July 30, 2006
Encounter with a peer
After spending my whole life so far hanging out with older folk, I finally met someone my own age (just 1 1/2 weeks older). This is how it transpired. (See photos (1)-(4).)
I heard some noise (sounding quite similar to me actually) on my left (1).
Looking around, I saw him: Aaron (2). He's about my size, a bit smaller than all the Uncles and Aunties I've met. He probably won't be able to carry me like they all do.
I wanted to introduce myself, but, all of a sudden, Aaron started crying. I started off smiling rather smugly as I wasn't (3).
After further thought, however, I figured, why not join in? (4)
I think we can be friends.

I heard some noise (sounding quite similar to me actually) on my left (1).
Looking around, I saw him: Aaron (2). He's about my size, a bit smaller than all the Uncles and Aunties I've met. He probably won't be able to carry me like they all do.
I wanted to introduce myself, but, all of a sudden, Aaron started crying. I started off smiling rather smugly as I wasn't (3).
After further thought, however, I figured, why not join in? (4)
I think we can be friends.

Red eggs

In some places like Russia and Greece, easter eggs are dyed red. If such customs were followed in Malaysia, there might be confusion between easter and "moon yit", a baby's first month.
We celebrated my "moon yit" (for the second time, actually) on Sunday. This time, Daddy prepared some red eggs - he didn't do too good a job if you look at Auntie Chia Yee's red fingers.
Friday, July 28, 2006
New Things

Each day introduces new concepts and activities. What has, say, my family been up to these past couple of days? New things, apparently. Uncle Adrian was on Malaysian radio DJ-ing with his A Mantle the Sea bandmates. Poe Poe and Kong Kong are staying in Ireby, attending the Keswick Convention. Granduncle Eric has increased his sphere of influence, jumping off the Edge up to the stars, or particularly, the Star ( Auntie Chia Yee's exploring Norwegian fjords (she arrives in Eccles in 13 mins; Daddy had better be heading there to pick her soon). Daddy continues to hide in his hole during the day, but this week started going through Pullman's trilogy in the evenings. Mum continues to provide for my daily needs... not too much time to make new discoveries for herself, but she gets to aid me as I encounter new and exciting things for the very first time. Here are some pictures of our adventuring.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
A quiet, hot week

It's a hot week. For me, a quiet week - I guess babies don't have much of a social life - though I'm looking forward to this Sunday, where there's a party to celebrate my "moon yit" belatedly. Ok, a co-party since it's also a send-off bbq for Auntie Annie, who is off for a gig in Birmingham.
Well, with things slow on the news front, I've an excuse to post more photos of myself. Here I am in a top picked up at Washington DC's Eastern Market last December (the 1st purchase made on my behalf! it used to be multi-coloured before going through the wash), and trousers chosen by Mah Mah at Mothercare, Cheetham Hill.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Happy Anniversary, Mummy & Daddy

Happy anniversary, Mummy and Daddy! They were wed a year ago, with memories from that occasion etched in the collective memory of all who were able to attend, and, if that fails, thanks to Uncle Alex and Uncle Chow Kien,
To celebrate, Daddy bought some food back from Tai Wu: prawns, Japanese tofu, pork ribs, and aubergine (aka eggplant aka brinjal - does this vegetable have a different name on different continents to lure unsuspecting tourist kids?). Kong Kong and Poe Poe made some rice. All five of us had a romantic dinner together.
I tried on a grobag ( for the first time today: an excuse for putting up more pictures of myself.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Highlights of life

After being around for about a month, I've identified some of life's highlights. Namely, eating, having a bath, and sitting on the loo (well, to use a euphemism - for me, it's more a case of the loo following me around).
Here are some photos of me within minutes of doing all the above.
I wonder if these highlights change over time.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
It's been a month

I'm a month old. It's hard to imagine what life was like before that night at Hope. I suppose my family (especially Mummy, I guess, since she hasn't been anywhere other than hospitals and clinics since my birth - except for one instance, but more on that later) find it difficult to remember life before me. Regardless, it's probably more difficult for me to imagine life before me.
What does one do when one is a month old and has no school or homework? Apparently, judging by the photos, the same as Daddy, who supposedly works. He's joining Mummy and me for the start of an episode of House M.D. This is my day: sleeping, bathing, drinking milk, watching Grey's Anatomy with Mummy. (All these medical dramas prepare her to return from maternity leave later.)
Well, the typical day that is. We did go out the other day, on Saturday. To Costco. Daddy was on the way out, Mummy said "take us!", and off we went.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Mess Communication

Why do we have two ears when one would suffice? The purpose, I've been told (by Dr Iqbal as he was probing my ear), is to allow for localisation. The purpose, apparently, is not for mass multi-communication, which is messy.
Here we are shortly before the Loos left for the airport. We're on skype with 11A (Yeh Yeh, Mah Mah & Tai Poh), shortly after a live feed of Daddy bathing me prior. Then Auntie Michelle calls to bid bon voyage. So we've got Auntie Michie on speaker phone, and 11A on speaker/mic on the laptop. And it also appears Auntie Sara's oblivious to us all and chatting with her friends on the same machine.