Sunday, September 17, 2006

What I've been up to this weekend

Hello! Some have been wondering why my posts have been somewhat infrequent, but it's because being a little baby (3 months at 1107am on Tuesday), I've been busy! New things to learn and all that. I guess I'll have more time in my teens (if blogs still are the rage then).

Daddy says people usually say that ("I'll have more time later") about getting involved in church as well. I'll have more time after exams, studies, climbing the ladder, blah blah. And before you know it, you have an excuse that can be used for the next couple of decades or so (for church and everything else): kids!

This weekend has been fairly quiet. Played around the house yesterday. My Grand Ah Yee's sheepskin makes a comfortable surface on my playmat, so I quite like it unless it has remnants of my puke. Speaking of which, I've been quite bothered by reflux, so yesterday tried Gaviscon, which is nice and high in sodium.

Today, we had Auntie Migdelia, who is from Acapulco and teaching me Spanish, over for lunch. We had some bread that my maternal Grand Ah Yee brought from Germany and an assortment of different meats. Daddy cooked and mowed the grass at the same time, so I'm not exactly sure about the food's cleanliness.


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